Sunday, April 22, 2012

RMS Test 2

By right, I need to finish up my revision by 12am. It's not really what I call revision also, for me, it should be 'study' of a course. I didn't really pay attention in the class for this subject, I really have no idea what is it about. The thing is, I have a test about this subject tomorrow. YES, TOMORROW!

Surprise? Nah... Don't have to, what I'm amazed by myself is, to prepare for this test, I woke up at 6.55am this morning, and sit in front of the table, and start studying. For the whole day, I didn't leave my chair, besides going toilet and meals. First time, I study a subject straight for more than 12 hours. YES. STUDY FOR 12 HOURS! Seriously, I study until I vomited, yet, I had to swallowed back and get myself back to the study table. 

How serious am I? I NEVER wear spec in my room, since I have low power in spec. For the first time, I study until my sight went blur, I wear spec and continue to study. When I feel my eyes're dry, I took EYEMO and carried on with my study. Imagine I study with my spec on and not leaving my chair? I call myself crazy. I burned myself.

Now, I got to get back to my study. I just hope that tomorrow when I get the test paper, my expression won't be like below, if you get what I mean.

If you don't know, let me tell you. Do you know the feeling when, after you study for like a decade of life, you drilled yourself hard enough until your brain juice dried, and when you see the paper, you are like, "WTF is this shit?" that kind of feeling. Now you get me.

Btw, RMS = Reservoir Modeling and Simulation. (Really, Man~ Sigh-ed)


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