Sunday, September 18, 2011

一个故事 [转]


古老的祝福 [转]

不管你是否迷信,这个网页都应该读一下, 好吗?这是密教图腾上的文字。读了这封信后的四天内,你会有好运来临。 把这封信邮寄给几个你想要祝福的人。有许许多多人,也许你已经淡忘了,如果仍然在你的心里,他们也一样会得到幸运。

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Home. What is a home? How do you define this phrase, 'home'?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Feeling cold

It's 3am in the morning, from the time I am departing later, left 3.5 hours in between. What can I do now?

Complicated Feeling

I think, this will be my last post before I end my Year 3 Semester 1, officially.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Reaching The Game Point..

Monday will be the day of my last paper, which means, after Monday, I will officially complete my third year first semester. Sounds great, but, somehow, now, this is not what I feel.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Put The Pictures Together

I have this hobby of joining and putting pieces and pieces of pictures together, then become a bigger piece. From the bigger piece, it becomes a more bigger one. Eventually it will become a complete picture.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Study Weeks~

The so called study weeks, for me, I spent most of the time sleeping + playing games + movie-ing + laughing.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

